Jennifer Cahill over at Savvi Recruitment have invited Aquest to join a panel of 3 exploring what Prepared looks like in a #YEAROFSEAR 26 February, 6pm in Charlemont. You can find details and RSVP information by clicking here.
A Regulator's perspective on #YEAROFSEAR
PodCast Series 1 of 3 as part of #YEAROFSEAR
In the run up to the event, and in light of #YEAROFSEAR, Jennifer had me on the Savvi Recruitment podcast last week to discuss the Regulator's perspective on #SEAR as part 1 of a 3-part series.
Mark Fenton, Inclusion & Diversity Advisor, MASF
is part 2 of this 3 part series.
Ger Mitchell, Chief HRO, Permanent TSB,
is part 3 of this 3-part series.
Jennifer and I discuss the more candid reality of SEAR along with what I think will be the top 3 areas to act on now, as part of being prepared.
I do expect SEAR to be an onerous and broad regime that will be quickly implemented.
Furthermore, I would not be surprised to see a sanction issued promptly thereafter as history tells us that this is still a reactive industry.
History also shows us that sanctions appear to be the most effective way to motivate the industry to be inspired to embrace the degree of change this regime desires to have in place.
More common sense really, as we consider;
>> A reactive industry tends to warrant schooling.
>> In contrast, a proactive industry tends to warrant collaboration.