You are beginning (or changing) an authorisation process that will see you authorised under UCITS and AIFMD regimes.
You want to ensure that your operational structure and governance arrangements are compliant with CP86, UCITS and AIFMD. That they meet the Central Bank's expectations and adhere to best practice.
You want complete clarity among your stakeholders; directors, organisational effectiveness director, Designated Persons, Senior Leadership team and company secretarial team) about their roles, regulatory obligations and expectations.

Design today with the end in mind.
Complete Clarity across the Leadership Team of roles, regulatory responsibilities, reporting lines and escalation procedures.
Regulator Intelligent Status means far more than just avoiding compliance issues and related fines, but adds value commercially to the business.
Fully compliant operational structure and supporting governance arrangements that adhere to best practices.

Objectives, Outcomes & Value

Ensure you are fully ready from an operational and governance perspective.
Complete Clarity across leadership team regarding roles, regulatory responsibilities and escalation procedures.
Regulator Intelligent is good for business.

Success Indicators:
1. Directors, Designated Persons and Senior Leadership team have confidence that your firm is organised and operating in compliance with the Central Bank’s expectations, regulatory obligations and industry best practices
2. Regulatory obligations under AIFMD, UCITS and CP86 are allocated to delegates for performance and Designated Persons for oversight
3. Frequency for reporting on regulatory obligations is set, taking into account the level of activity in the investment fund and escalation parameters are agreed
4. Your firm and the Organisational Effectiveness Director have clear understanding of how the Organisational Effectiveness Role will be carried out and how it will add value

Regulator Intelligent is more than just avoiding regulatory fines. It ensures you are improving your relationship with the Regulator
Get the operational and compliance framework for your Firms right from the outset avoiding the need for costly repairs and reengineering at a later date
Strengthen negotiating position with delegates by understanding the regulatory source of the requirements you are asking them to perform
Support front line staff and reduce staff turnover by providing training and a framework that helps them understand their roles and what is required of them



As the former head of the Central Bank’s Funds Policy Team and the Central Bank of Ireland’s Project Lead on CP86, Daniel was involved in designing, drafting and implementing regulatory initiatives affecting the funds industry from 2010 to 2017.
With an intimate knowledge of CP86 coupled with the perspective of an ex-regulator, Daniel is in a unique position to help firms improve their relationship with the financial regulator by becoming Regulator Intelligent.
Before joining the Central Bank, Daniel worked as an investment funds lawyer for 9 years at William Fry, one of Ireland’s leading law firms.
Today, Daniel is MD of Aquest; a boutique firm dedicated to improving your experience with the financial regulator.

8 to 16 weeks

Phase 1
Build the Designated Persons Framework
To allocate regulatory responsibilities to individual Designated Persons for oversight and to specific individual delegates for performance; to set the frequency of reporting by delegates to Designated Persons and by Designated Persons to board; and to set escalation parameters.

Policies and
To put in place a comprehensive set of policies and procedures that ensures your Firm's regulatory requirements are complied with and that allocates responsibility for performance to a specific delegate(s) and oversight to a specific Designated Person

Effectiveness Role
To design and implement the Organisational Effectiveness Role for Amundi in a way that complies with the requirements of CP86, that meets the Central Bank’s expectations and that adds value to the governance and operation of your Firm

Phase 4
To ensure that the directors are clear about the Central Bank’s expectations of them, to put in place letters of appointment that map fully to CP86 and to establish a robust process for the approval of new funds by the board

To assist the Company Secretarial Team in understanding how to support the your Firm's board and in developing board agendas and an annual activity calendar

To ensure that the Senior Leadership team are aware of the work undertaken and outcomes resulting from the CP86 Implementation Programme
